Thursday, December 12, 2013

フランクフルトのクリスマス・マーケット2013(Christmas Market in Frankfurt)

(My very first Christmas in Germany will come soon! I am so excited!Since November 27th, the Christmas Market 2013 has been held at Romer square.)

(As you can see in the picture, there are so many visitors. The market is amazingly filled with local people as well as tourists from all over the world.)

(My favorite food is called "Kartoffelpuffer mit Apfelmuss", which is a potato pancake with apple source. It costs 4 Euro for 3 pieces, so people share them with their families and friends.)

そして、寒いドイツでクリスマス・マーケットを楽しむにはホットワイン(ドイツ語:gruhwein=グリューワイン)が冷えた体を心まで温めてくれます。グリューワインは赤と白の両方が用意されています。お店によってはシナモンや他のスパイスを混ぜたり、子供用のノンアルコールグリューワインも販売されています。ワイン用のマグカップ代金はデポジットなので、カップを返却すると返金してくれますよ。一杯1~2ユーロくらいでお得ですし、カップをそのままお土産として持って帰る人もいます。(If you would love to enjoy the Christmas Market for a long time, "gruhwein=mulled wine" really helps you get warmer. There are both red and white for the gruhwein, and some street stalls prepare it adding cinnamon or other spices. Even kids can try non-alcohol gruhwein. In addition, the venders will give you the deposit for the cup back once you return it. One cup of gruhwein is about 1-2 Euro which I think is a decent price and you can take the special cup home as your suvenior)

(What is your wish for this coming Christmas?)

(I wish I had a pure heart like a little kid who is very  curious about everything and discovering something new each day.) 

Christmas gift suggestions:  To your enemy, forgiveness.  To an opponent, tolerance.  To a friend, your heart.  To a customer, service.  To all, charity.  To every child, a good example.  To yourself, respect.  ~Oren Arnold 


Monday, November 25, 2013

モンシャウ村の素敵なカフェ(Schokoladen Cafe at Monschau)

(My husband and I drove to the town called Monschau, which is located in the west side of Germany. It took us about 3 hours to get there by traveling on the German autobahns.)


(Today, the temperature fell to minus 2 degree celsius and it was really cloudy and rainy all day long. Then, after walking around the town, we stopped by a small cafe for a cup of coffee. It is called Schokoladen Cafe.)

ドイツ語の授業が始まり約四週間が経ちました。実践練習あるのみ!ということでドイツ語で注文してみました。(It has been 4 weeks since I started to learn German in school, so I tried to order the coffee in German.)

Nehmen wir zwei Kaffee mit Schokoladen? (チョコレート付のコーヒーを二つお願いします。)というと、OK!と優しいオーナーさんが返事をして、キッチンへ入って行きました。すぐに、写真のとおり可愛らしいコーヒーが出てきてビックリです。
(I said, "Can we have two coffee with chocolate?"... I guess I should say.. two cups of coffee next time.The owner of this cafe answered, "Ok!"and went back to the kitchen. Soon, we got surprised at the cuteness of the coffee and its cup.)

お勘定は、Zahlen bitte! (会計をお願いします。)というと、オーナーさんはお釣り用の財布を腰から出し始めました。Was kostet das? (いくらですか?)と聞くと、彼はSechs EUROと言いながら手書きの伝表を差し出しました。Zuzammen Ja? (2人とも一緒に会計だよね?)といわれ, Ja! Zuzammen (そう!一緒だよ!)と答える私。
(When leaving the cafe, I said "check please! "to the owner. Immediately, the owner started to take out his money purse from his big pocket. Then I also asked , how much is this?The owner said six Euro and showed his hand written  check to us.He asked, togather right? Then, I said yes, togather!)

(It is obvious that I was not speaking German fluently, but I could get the feeling of "yey! I can order a cup of coffee in German! ". My husband told me that he felt like studying German by seeing my little conversation in German.)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

フランクフルト駐在妻のお茶会(Tea Party with Other Wives of Assignees in Frankfurt)


( Among Japanese wives of assignees in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Hokkai Suisan  is the most popular fish product delivery-company. Since it is quite hard for Japanese people to get fresh fish in Frankfurt, Hokkai Suisan located in Holland is frequently considered as a very reliable fish store. All fish products of theirs are processed for Japanese customers. If you spend more than 400 Euro per each order, they will deliver them to your house for free.)



(Then, I asked Miss N ( a friend who was introduced by my friend M in Tokyo) , who lives only 6 min away from my apartment to order some fish and other seafood. As Miss N is a leader of Japanese-wife-community, she takes care of all orders for her group. Finally, the other day I
went to pick up the fish at Miss N`s luxury apartment and ended up having some tea with Miss N`s friends (other Japanese wives of assignees.))


(It has been more than 5 years since Miss N started to live in Europe with her husband. Now, Miss N lives in one of the gorgeous apartments in Frankfurt, decorates her rooms with nice furniture and serves each piece of her homemade cake to her guests with beautiful dishes. Even the slippers are so pretty and I thought she must have collected all nice items from all over the Europe.


( I thought Miss N would get surprised if she ever visited our apartment. First, we have nothing but minimum necessities such as a couple of white dishes and some wine glasses. My husband feels a bit uneasy with such a simple kitchen and other rooms are also really simple.)

(I use only one frying pan and a middle size-stew pot.)


( I believe it is nice to have meals with pretty dishes. It is also well said that the sense of sight works first to taste the food. Why do you think I don`t try to get nice dishes and furniture for our house? Is it because I am still young? In fact, I feel I am not really interested in collecting luxury items.)


(In general, girls like to keep  a lot of nice bags with them, but I use the same bag ( or a purse) for a long time until it gets worn out. Once in a while, my mother mails me a purse, convincing me of going shopping for a cute item. Last month, I was invited to a get-together party for my husband`s company and talking to other wives of employees. It seemed like all the wives preferred to carry brand-products for clothes and cosmetics. Personally, I am not really into brand-products for fashion, so I could`t say anything.)


( I am sure that I definitely spend more money on travels and schools than others. I like to travel and discover new places with no plan. I love not knowing what will happen next and I feel happy when I have a chance to learn other life styles. In school, I am very excited about learning new languages and I never get enough of it.)


(Considering that, I think I am a bit unique and different. During the tea party, I could`t really express myself well because their ways of thinking were very different from mine.)


(But, I think these wives are much more experienced in terms of organizing their families in other countries. They may be more patient and wiser than I am. Thanks to the wives, the husbands are able to work better in their companies. The wives might be looking for something nice in everyday life. It feels like they are so curious about nice food, clothes or else. Wherever people live, it may be up to a woman if her family will have fun or not at home.)


(My life has just started and I would love to meet a lot of people from now on. Even though I am married, I think it is important to learn thing from attractive and interesting people around myself.)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

フランクフルトのドイツ語学校(German Class in Frankfurt)

Goethe Institut(ゲーテ・インスティトュート)でドイツ語の授業が始まりました。
(German Class at Goethe Institut has just begun.)

(The course level starts from A1 for beginners to C2 for the highest language level. As I studied just a little bit of German (just learned numbers for 4 hours lol )  in Sapporo, I had to start with A1 class. In fact, I would need to pass at least B1-level German exam in order to study German at Goethe University. Since it is a public university, they don`t offer any beginners classes.)


(As I am taking a German-evening class, there are only engineers, programmers and bankers; they mostly work for a foreign company. In my class, we have students from Thailand, France, England, Poland, Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan, and Mali. Since each student has different accent, it is hard for me to  understand what other students are saying.)


( On the first day of the German class, I had an orientation for all students at the library of Goethe Institute. During the orientation, the head teacher introduced all the teachers to everyone and each teacher calls his students by name. It is possible to communicate with your teacher in English for the beginner`s class but we are mostly led to speak German 90% of the time in class.) 


( In class, our teacher lets us speak only German as much as we can. He hands out work sheets to each student and soon asks to memorize each dialogue. It seems to be easy for those students who already have learned a couple of languages to engage in a conversation in German . Although the class goes very fast, I think our class has a very relaxing atmosphere and students kindly help out each other.)


(If I work everyday, it is kind of hard to make time to concentrate on studying. But now, I thanks god for me to be a student and a bookworm again.)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

パリの宝物(Treasure in Paris)

I love singing
The tones of melody add beautiful colors in each moment in my life
( My first trip to  Paris was very inspiring.)
 Let me just share the lyrics which I jotted down in the train.








:::Treasure of Paris:::

 Falling leaves and golden hair 
warm cofee
Rhythm of black boots
Laughter at the fountain
Light reflected on the wine glass

Just by holding hands
Happiness in my heart
 Smile like sunshine 
Treasure of Happiness

Green from the windows
Smell of sweet chocolate
That day we took photos
Tomorrow will come with the memories

            It`s easy to understand by saying aloud
        Importance of the words, "Thank you"
              Your tell me thank you 
        Treasure for you and me

Just by holding hands
Happiness in my heart
 Smile like sunshine
Treasure of Happiness

What We found in Paris
was our Treasure of you and me




Thursday, October 17, 2013

フランクフルトの日本人美容室(Japanese Hair Salon in Frankfurt)


Japanischer Friseursalon(美容室)

(Noriko Kawashita-Choudhury.)

住所:Homburgerstraße 27 60486 Frankfurt am Main
カット:女性 39ユーロ~、男性29ユーロ~

U-Bahn(地下鉄)でBockenheimerWarte駅で降りたら、Commerz Bankの方に向かって交差点を渡り銀行を正面にして右手の道をHomburger通りまで歩いて、左に曲がるとピンクの看板がすぐに見えます。


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

ドイツ人生徒とフランス語の勉強(French Class with German Classmates):::

(There is a foreign language school for the local German speakers on Kaiserstraße about 5 minutes walk from Willy-Brandt-Platz station)

(The school is called, "inlingua")

(Here is the webside in English)

(When you go inside the building, you can see the receptionon on the 2nd floor and the class rooms  on the 3rd and 4th floor. The staffs at inlingua are able to speak English fluently and really friendly. They reply to your emails (questions) within 24 hours.)

( I am taking a French class for beginners at inlingua once a week. From the first day of the class, our teacher talks us only in French. During the class, students keep speaking French 90 minutes straight.)






The teaching method of inlingua

1. The teacher leads students to guess what she is talking about only with gestures    
   and the tones of her expressions.

2. The teacher asks each student a question with the basic phrase she used in the      first place.

3. The teacher lets students ask questions each other with the basic phrase.

4. The teacher provides students with a little bit more complicated questions with the basic phrase and make them practice those questions.

(In class, I did`t learn grammar or readings. ( we use the books mostly for homework.) It felt like I was playing an imitation game with a teacher and classmates. I was just overwhelmed by my classmates who could learn things very quickly. Now, I feel more excited about this class.)

Monday, October 14, 2013

ドイツの外国人局(Foreign Citizen`s Office-Auslaenderbehoerde)

(Japanese people (or all people) who wish to stay in Germany more than 3 months must do the procedure bellow.)

(After entering to Germany, within one or two weeks you must register as a resident of your city at Einwohnermeldeamt)

 (After entering to Germany, within 90 days you must apply for a resident permit at Ausländerbehörde)

(From December 15th in 2000, people with Japanese nationalities aren`t required to obtain a visa before entering to Germany.)

(There are various kinds of visas, so other procedures must be done depending on each person.)

(The German staff of my husband`s company helped me to proceed all paper works for this Foreign Citizen`s Office-Auslaenderbehoerde after one week of my arrival.)

(In fact, a spouse of a resident employee is allowed to work in Germany. It is intriguing that each spouse would have a different working-time permit. Among Japanese people with a spouse visa, it is also said that some spouses may receive the working permits, but others don`t. Except the working regulations provided by each firm, I wonder why some spouses can work and others cannot)

(You cannot ask Japanese embassy any questions about the working permit for a spouse. The data file of your case is managed only by the foreign citizen`s office. However, most foreigners coming to this foreign office can speak German fluently. That means the local staff working at the office don`t have to speak in English. Someone told me that I couldn`t visit  the foreign citizen`s office without a German speaker, but I just went there by myself to ask about my working permit.)

(When you enter the foreign citizen`s office(in Frankfurt), you will see the reception on your right hand. Then, you must tell them what procedure you want to do. I thought it would take much less time if I could communicate with them in German. So I jotted down my questions on a piece of paper in German, and just showed it to one of the staffs at the office. As I had expected, soon I could get to see the person in charge of my working permit.)

(Fortunately, I will receive a working permit with unlimited working time. But I have to talk to the head of German branch of my husband`s company once I find a job here.)

(The head of my husband`s department said it was his first time to meet a spouse who wanted to work here. I understand what he meant but I would love to learn as many things as possible in Germany and go back to Japan. If I cannot work, I want to study in school. If I cannot 
study in school, I want to work.)

(It`s been one month since I came to Germany. I feel it`s time to start my adventure seriously.)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

ドイツ人のお友達(My New German Friend)

(The incident happened when I was cleaning up our apartment alone)

(When I tried to leave the cardboard boxes just next to the front door of our apartment....

(I heard the noise, “Bang~!”The front door of our apartment got locked with a loud bang!)

(I quite forgot about my keys inside the apartment, so I got stuck in front of the door with no shoes on. At that time, my watch said it was 6pm. I knew my husband would come home after midnight because of work . Then, I would have to wait for more than 6 hours doing nothing in front of the door.)

("What to do? What to do?")

(If I had my cellphone or money with me, I could solve this problem, but I got alone with no shoes on.)

私達のアパートの住人は夜まで働いて家を空けている人が多いのでアパート内にいるか分りませんでした。でも、このままアパートの廊下で6時間も待つことができないと感じ、取り敢えず誰かに電話を借りよう!と思いました。(Also, I thought most of our neighbors wouldn`t come home soon , so I did n`t know if someone was still in this apartment complex.. But I couldn`t stand waiting for 6 hours until my husband comes back home. Anyway, let`s just see if there is someone inside his/her apartment and borrow his/her cellphone!)

何件かピンポンを鳴らして、やっと一人部屋から出てきました。若い女の子のEちゃんです。近所の大学で法律を勉強している学生さんで、英語はもちろんペラペラでした。背の高い男の人でなくて良かったとホットしてしまいました。( After ringing the bells of the several rooms, finally I got to meet with this young lady, who was a student in law school near our house. As Miss E was a young German student, she could speak English fluently. I was kind of glad to meet a woman not a man under this situation.)

(In this connection, I may add that in Germany I am surprised to see big German guys like the character, Shrek in the movie. Those men are really tall and look powerful. Everytime when I take a subway or a train in Frankfurt, I wonder if those men actually come to the sight of me. ^_^;)

(Anyway, I will come back to the main topic.)

Eちゃんは快くiPhoneを貸してくれました。ネットが使えるので旦那の電話番号もEmailから検索できて、電話をかけることができました。旦那も忙しいので、取り敢えずタクシーに乗って会社まで行くことになりました。フ~ひと安心。(So, Miss E let me use her iPhone, so I could search my husband`s phone number in my email account and called him to find a way to get the house key.Since my husband was really busy at work, I decided to take a taxi to go to his company. At this point, I felt so relieved.)

(While waiting for a taxi, I enjoyed chatting with Miss E in English. She was around my age and a slimier type of person with me, so we got along really well. As we talked each other, she realized our superintendent lived next door and might have the key of my apartment. Soon, we both went to visit his place.)

(When I rang the bell, an Indian man came out from the house.)

( I thought, "he is the man who helped me throw the garbage a week ago!".)

(In fact, the garbage-incident also happened a week ago. lol When I just moved in this apartment complex and didn`t know how to throw the garbage, some neighbors came outside and were offering me some help.) 

インド人のおじさんは、“May I help you?"と英語で話しかけてくれましたが、その後ドイツ語でベラベラ話されていたので、取りあえず“Ich heiße Naomi"と自己紹介だけしておきました。
(The Indian man said, " May I help you?" in English but after that he talked me all in German.
So, I just introduced myself as “Ich heiße Naomi".)

( It was funny that I was surrounded by my neighbors and all of them were watching me trash the garbage.) 

実は、このインド人の彼こそ、アパートの管理人さんだったのです。幸運にも彼はアパートの鍵を管理していて、ロックされた私の部屋を開けてくれました。お陰様で、旦那の会社にも行かずにすみました。(So, this Indian man was the superintendent of our apartment. Fortunately, he had the key of my house and unlocked the door for me. Thanks to everyone, I didn`t have to go to my husband`s company.)

(The young lady, Miss E took her time to help me out for this incident. Since I used her cell phone quite a long time, I asked her out for dinner and we had such a fun girl`s night!)

(This is my first time to make a friend by forgetting the house key! My life is so interesting!)

Monday, October 7, 2013


(As someone told me that I could get good lamb chops in Kleinmarkthalle which is a fresh market in Frankfurt, I googled the direction and finally got here!)

(As you can see, the entrance is pretty small but inside there is a huge market selling fresh vegetables, fruits, meets, fish, bread and all kinds of spices.)

(I got the lamb chops at this butcher shop. Look at the picture below.)

(I gatta marinate this lamb chop!)

(I burned the meet a bit but it was really yummy and juicey.)